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A Registered Nurse (RN) is a licensed healthcare professional with formal nursing education and a passed licensing exam. RNs provide direct patient care, administer medications, and offer support and education.


They work in diverse settings like hospitals, clinics, and schools, collaborating with healthcare teams. RNs may specialize and take on leadership roles, contributing to healthcare policy and ongoing education. Scope of practice varies by location and is regulated by nursing boards.


An LVN/LPN is a licensed healthcare professional with nursing education and a passed licensing exam. They provide basic patient care, administer medications, and assist in healthcare settings under the supervision of registered nurses or physicians. LVNs/LPNs work in diverse healthcare environments, such as hospitals and long-term care facilities, and their scope of practice is regulated by nursing boards.


A healthcare professional specializing in surgical procedures. Surg Techs assist surgeons by preparing operating rooms, organizing instruments, and ensuring sterile conditions. They may also help with patient preparation and postoperative tasks. Surg Techs play a crucial role in maintaining a smooth and safe surgical environment.

Career Options

Career Options

Explore career possibilities ranging from travel opportunities to full-time positions.

With Pioneer Healthcare Services, start your dream healthcare career. We are prepared to support your journey whether you are interested in full-time or travel positions in allied health, therapy, or nursing. Anticipate smooth assistance and a trouble-free journey as you progress along your selected route.

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